Who is Out There on the Streets?

[This post was written as protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police were spreading around the U.S.. Curfews were beginning to be set in major cities and National Guard being mobilized. Major media outlets were alternating clips from the video of officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes with stories about looting and scenes of flames. The Minneapolis mayor had declared the uprising "domestic terrorism," and Trump had just threatened to send the U.S. military into cities without consent of their governors to force order on the populace. It seemed to many that the U.S. might descend into chaos, military occupation, or civil war. Yet every day, despite threats and negative media portrayals, more and more people were taking up Black Lives Matter signs and heading out into the streets.] _________________________________________________________________________________ I hear a lot of people asking that question Marvin G...